API Documentation

Public RESTful API for checkify.com.au

The Checkify APIs are organized around REST. Our APIs have predictable resource-oriented URLs, accept form-encoded requests, return JSON-encoded responses and uses standard HTTP response codes. Checkify API endpoints will remain constant and no existing implementations will be broken if a new version is released.

Phone Numbers

Given an internationally formated phone number, the endpoint semantically validates the input and verifies the accuracy of the data, returning an array of data, including but not limited to phone line type, carrier details and country specific phone format.

cURLPOSTcurl 'https://checkify.com.au/api/v1/phone' \
-H 'X-Auth-ES: RoMiEGESW4doADManJjVTcPtUV5BC9tGscCTQhAHglgWw2AEwOniu74bMPnG' \
--data 'phoneQuery=%2B61444444444'
  • Success json response

Postal Addresses

Given a partial or complete Australian address, the endpoint semantically validates the input and verifies the accuracy of the data, returning an array of the 10 closest matching postal addresses, including but not limited to unit, street type, suffixes and prefixes if any, longitude and latitude.

cURLPOSTcurl 'https://checkify.com.au/api/v1/address' \
-H 'X-Auth-ES: RoMiEGESW4doADManJjVTcPtUV5BC9tGscCTQhAHglgWw2AEwOniu74bMPnG' \
--data 'addressQuery=20+Welch+Street'
  • Success json response

Email Addresses

Given an email address, the endpoint semantically validates the input and verifies the accuracy of the data, returning an array with the existing MX servers and the deliverability status of the account.

cURLPOSTcurl 'https://checkify.com.au/api/v1/email' \
-H 'X-Auth-ES: RoMiEGESW4doADManJjVTcPtUV5BC9tGscCTQhAHglgWw2AEwOniu74bMPnG' \
--data 'emailQuery=accounts%40domain.com.au'
  • Success json response

Australian Business Numbers

Given an Australian Business Number, the endpoint semantically validates the input and verifies the accuracy of the data, returning an array of publicly available records including but not limited to name, ACN if any, organisation status, entity type, state and postcode.

cURLPOSTcurl 'https://checkify.com.au/api/v1/abn' \
-H 'X-Auth-ES: RoMiEGESW4doADManJjVTcPtUV5BC9tGscCTQhAHglgWw2AEwOniu74bMPnG' \
--data 'abnQuery=12345678912'
  • Success json response

Australian Company Numbers

Given an Australian Company Number, the endpoint semantically validates the input and verifies the accuracy of the data, returning an array of publicly available records including but not limited to name, class, subclass, addresses, organisation status and lodged documents.

cURLPOSTcurl 'https://checkify.com.au/api/v1/acn' \
-H 'X-Auth-ES: RoMiEGESW4doADManJjVTcPtUV5BC9tGscCTQhAHglgWw2AEwOniu74bMPnG' \
--data 'acnQuery=123456789'
  • Success json response

Reverse Geocode

Given longitude and latitude coordinates, the endpoint semantically validates the input and verifies the accuracy of the data, returning the nearest valid postal address, including but not limited to street type, suffixes and prefixes if any.

cURLPOSTcurl 'https://checkify.com.au/api/v1/geocode' \
-H 'X-Auth-ES: RoMiEGESW4doADManJjVTcPtUV5BC9tGscCTQhAHglgWw2AEwOniu74bMPnG' \
--data 'geocodeQuery[lat]=-27.96463689&geocodeQuery[lon]=153.41325265'
  • Success json response

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